Weight Loss Programs in Bergen County New Jersey
Interested in learning more about Weight Loss Programs in Bergen County New Jersey from Dr. Rachna Kaul of Maitri Wellness, a Direct Primary Care Doctor’s Office in Ridgewood? Please review the information on this page to understand what’s included, and how this approach to nutrition and weight loss with a DPC is unlike anything you’ve tried before.
At a glance, here is what you can expect:
Extensive discussion and support for weight loss using REAL food
NO chemical diets or additives
Regular monitoring of weight to optimize your health
Exploring different approaches to fitness tailored specifically to each patient
Manifesting a well-rounded healthy lifestyle YOUR way!
Difference Between Losing Weight at DPC Vs. Insurance Based Doctors in Bergen County
How many times has a doctor told you that you needed to lose weight and then left the room? Lifestyle change takes painstaking attention to detail and real-life follow through. With Dr. Kaul, we look at your goals of health, not just your weight, and optimize your cardiovascular risk along with balancing your lifestyle. Making a personalized plan to lose weight, working up all medical issues related to your weight and receiving support to continue your lifestyle change is built into the practice model. With Dr. Kaul’s easy accessibility and personalized approach, your health is our first priority!
How to Get Started
These nutrition and weight loss services in Bergen County NJ are reserved for Maitri Wellness DPC members. If you are interested in scheduling a visit to discuss a strategy for losing weight and optimizing your nutrition and fitness, please call 201-639-4250 or fill out our contact form to get in touch.